※The values of financial statements might be different from the actual ones. Please confirm the original. [instructions]

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Browse U-Chart Add to 'Companies Comparison' list Compare Lustrum Ullet index TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Go to web site 8564 Others 1st TSE March 1, 2000 1996.
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Accounts Information Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement


[Show - Hide] U-Chart:Balance Sheet (B/S)Help Icon

【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Balance Sheet 2010年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Balance Sheet 2009年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Balance Sheet 2008年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Balance Sheet 2007年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Balance Sheet 2006年3月期

[Show - Hide] Balance Sheet (B/S)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date March 31, 2010 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2008 March 31, 2007 March 31, 2006
Cash and Cash Equivalents 40,372 47,871 69,482 68,110 67,028
Other Current AssetsHelp 592,628 838,670 1,194,306 1,378,924 1,485,229
Tangible Fixed AssetsHelp 33,214 45,195 46,987 48,242 49,793
Intangible Fixed AssetHelp 4,837 5,174 5,234 5,036 5,769
Investments and OthersHelp 15,880 21,554 76,891 82,859 163,091
Total AssetsHelp 686,931 958,464 1,392,899 1,583,171 1,770,909
Total Current LiabilitiesHelp 132,145 124,173 114,004 132,272 247,024
Total Long-term LiabilitiesHelp 404,166 684,643 845,121 993,184 550,260
Shareholder's EquityHelp 150,620 149,648 433,774 457,715 973,625
Total LiabilitiesHelp 686,931 958,464 1,392,899 1,583,171 1,770,909

TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Profit and Loss Account(P/L)

[表示非表示] U-Chart:Profit and Loss Account (P/L)Help Icon

【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Profit and Loss Account 2010年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Profit and Loss Account 2009年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Profit and Loss Account 2008年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Profit and Loss Account 2007年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Profit and Loss Account 2006年3月期

[Show - Hide] Profit and Loss Account (P/L)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date March 31, 2010 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2008 March 31, 2007 March 31, 2006
Amount of Sales 120,266 186,349 270,480 328,921 351,259
Total Sales 120,266 186,349 270,480 328,921 351,259
Cost of SalesHelp 86,907 396,961 20,930 21,296 20,545
Other Costs and RevenueHelp 28,782 45,525 235,444 788,900 283,791
Total CostsHelp 115,689 442,486 256,374 810,196 304,336
Net RevenueHelp 33,359 -210,612 249,550 307,625 330,714
Earnings Before TaxHelp 4,959 -229,935 10,543 -436,774 70,401
Net IncomeHelp 4,577 -256,137 14,106 -481,275 46,923
Net Income 4,577 -256,137 14,106 -481,275 46,923


[表示非表示] U-Chart:Cash Flow Statement (C/F)Help Icon

【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Cash Flow Statement 2010年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Cash Flow Statement 2009年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Cash Flow Statement 2008年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Cash Flow Statement 2007年3月期 TAKEFUJI CORPORATION Cash Flow Statement 2006年3月期

[Show - Hide] Cash Flow Statement (C/F)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date March 31, 2010 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2008 March 31, 2007 March 31, 2006
Operating Cash Flow(OFC)Help 109,005 150,020 187,598 70,456 90,783
Investing Cash Flow(ICF)Help 5,672 -2,110 -255 -1,246 42,377
Financing Cash FlowHelp -151,096 -203,193 -127,396 -80,291 -183,175
Exchange Difference of Cash and Cash EquivalentsHelp -1,081 -326 -2,574 157 1,603
Net Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalentsn -37,501 -55,609 57,375 -10,926 -48,414


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