U-Chart Analysis:KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD.:7516

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Browse U-Chart Add to 'Companies Comparison' list Compare Lustrum Ullet index KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Go to web site 7516 Retail 東証プライム February 1, 2000 1996.
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Accounts Information Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement

KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Balance Sheet(B/S)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Balance Sheet 2024年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Balance Sheet 2023年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Balance Sheet 2022年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Balance Sheet 2021年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Balance Sheet 2020年2月期

[Show - Hide] Balance Sheet (B/S)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date February 29, 2024 February 28, 2023 February 28, 2022 February 28, 2021 February 29, 2020
Cash and Cash Equivalents 11,723 9,218 12,242 14,681 11,978
Other Current AssetsHelp 147,732 132,074 111,642 104,741 94,895
Tangible Fixed AssetsHelp 206,786 189,393 187,571 189,767 185,009
Intangible Fixed AssetHelp 12,252 12,802 12,924 12,390 13,220
Investments and OthersHelp 65,456 61,676 58,452 57,113 55,600
Total AssetsHelp 458,557 419,249 398,076 395,095 378,263
Total Current LiabilitiesHelp 171,346 160,871 146,993 149,713 147,551
Total Long-term LiabilitiesHelp 129,954 108,823 108,639 112,095 106,632
Shareholder's EquityHelp 157,257 149,555 142,444 133,287 124,080
Total LiabilitiesHelp 458,557 419,249 398,076 395,095 378,263

KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Profit and Loss Account(P/L)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Profit and Loss Account 2024年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Profit and Loss Account 2023年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Profit and Loss Account 2022年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Profit and Loss Account 2021年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Profit and Loss Account 2020年2月期

[Show - Hide] Profit and Loss Account (P/L)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date February 29, 2024 February 28, 2023 February 28, 2022 February 28, 2021 February 29, 2020
Amount of Sales 456,345 423,136 425,704 427,124 360,013
Total Sales 456,345 423,136 425,704 427,124 360,013
Cost of SalesHelp 285,539 263,300 265,208 266,290 227,702
Other Costs and RevenueHelp 156,751 146,601 144,906 142,184 120,481
Total CostsHelp 442,290 409,901 410,114 408,474 348,183
Net RevenueHelp 170,806 159,836 160,496 160,834 132,311
Earnings Before TaxHelp 21,051 19,541 23,177 26,837 16,838
Net IncomeHelp 14,055 13,235 15,590 18,650 11,830
Net Income 14,055 13,235 15,590 18,650 11,830

KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Cash Flow Statement(C/F)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Cash Flow Statement 2024年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Cash Flow Statement 2023年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Cash Flow Statement 2022年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Cash Flow Statement 2021年2月期 KOHNAN SHOJI CO.,LTD. Cash Flow Statement 2020年2月期

[Show - Hide] Cash Flow Statement (C/F)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date February 29, 2024 February 28, 2023 February 28, 2022 February 28, 2021 February 29, 2020
Operating Cash Flow(OFC)Help 22,494 9,403 17,435 35,121 27,203
Investing Cash Flow(ICF)Help -24,013 -17,935 -12,677 -15,218 -42,450
Financing Cash FlowHelp 2,502 5,428 -7,286 -17,200 19,309
Exchange Difference of Cash and Cash EquivalentsHelp 22 80 89 0 57
Net Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalentsn 1,005 -3,024 -2,439 2,703 4,119


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