View the Ranking You also can sort companies freely by selecting a management index (net sales, current net income, operating cash flow, total assets, cash and cash equivalents, shareholder’s equity, and changes in cash and cash equivalents). And, you can display the ranking about your selected management index.
U-Chart Analysis In Ullet, 3 financial statements (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, and Cash Flow Statement) are analyzed by using the U-Chart pie chart (*using U-Charts of up to 5 terms). Left half circle indicates “in”. Right half circle indicates “out”. Add to 'Companies Comparison' list This adds the company into ‘Companies Comparison list’. Compare Lustrum You can see a term-to-term percentage change about each item in financial statements (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement, and Cash Flow Statement) of lustrum. The percentage change is also shown by or . So, you can grasp a status of the company specifically. Ullet index This displays several management indexes as Ullet indexes. It's preferable that there are plenty of and . : Increase of Ullet index : Decrease of Ullet index : Ullet index increased compared with the previous term. : Ullet index decreased compared with the previous term.
Renesas Electronics Corporation Ullet index This displays several management indexes as Ullet indexes. It's preferable that there are plenty of and . : Increase of Ullet index : Decrease of Ullet index : Ullet index increased compared with the previous term. : Ullet index decreased compared with the previous term. (Unit:Millions of Yen)
Accounting Date
December 31, 2024
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2021
December 31, 2020
Shareholder's Equity Capital fund, capital reserve, accumulated earnings, and so on.
Shareholder's Equity Capital fund, capital reserve, accumulated earnings, and so on. (*include Wire-Down)
Increase and decrease in current net earnings(*include Wire-Down)
Net Income (Earnings before Tax)−(Corporate Tax etc)
Operating Cash Flow(OFC) Operation Cash Flow This is the flow of cash in relation to business operation. It indicates the money earned in primary service. So, Operation Cash Flow is the most important in three types of cash flow. And, it is preferable that this cash flow is plus.
Free Cash Flow(FCF) (Operation Cash Flow)+(Investing Cash Flow) This is the money which the company can use freely.
OFC - Net Income The balance of Operation Cash Flow and net earnings. In general, when this value is minus or , please be very careful.
Current Assets (Current Assets)-(Current Liabilities) This is one of indexes to indicate the health of finance and the status of cash management. When it is minus, it indicates current net liabilities.
FCF / Current Assets The ratio of Operation Cash Flow to current net assets. It is preferable that this value exceeds 100% or has a higher value.
Current Assets / Amount of Sales Current Assets / Amount of Sales
他社比較 This compares financial statements with other companies in “Company Comparison List” (*up to 5). You can add the company into “Company Comparison List” by clicking in “More relative companies” and “Browsing History”.
Companies in 'Companies Comparison' list
Browsing history This displays the history of companies U-chart of which you viewed recently. Up to 5 companies are displayed.
Company where related level is high This displays several more relative companies randomly. In clicking a name of the company, the U-Chart analysis of the company is executed. In clicking , comparison with the company is executed.