U-Chart Analysis:CyberAgent,Inc.:4751

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Browse U-Chart Add to 'Companies Comparison' list Compare Lustrum Ullet index CyberAgent,Inc. Go to web site 4751 Services 東証プライム September 1, 2000 2000.
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Accounts Information Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement

CyberAgent,Inc. Balance Sheet(B/S)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

CyberAgent,Inc. Balance Sheet 2024年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Balance Sheet 2023年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Balance Sheet 2022年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Balance Sheet 2021年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Balance Sheet 2020年9月期

[Show - Hide] Balance Sheet (B/S)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date September 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 September 30, 2022 September 30, 2021 September 30, 2020
Cash and Cash Equivalents 210,041 199,579 165,907 181,451 102,368
Other Current AssetsHelp 152,322 151,663 127,943 120,199 101,306
Tangible Fixed AssetsHelp 27,278 24,586 18,974 16,740 13,241
Intangible Fixed AssetHelp 34,519 26,473 17,211 21,485 23,317
Investments and OthersHelp 81,479 68,441 48,820 37,746 19,342
Total AssetsHelp 520,417 477,826 383,698 382,578 260,766
Total Current LiabilitiesHelp 272,247 227,372 213,834 210,971 129,906
Total Long-term LiabilitiesHelp 86,161 103,939 23,852 41,402 40,353
Shareholder's EquityHelp 162,009 146,515 146,012 130,205 90,507
Total LiabilitiesHelp 520,417 477,826 383,698 382,578 260,766

CyberAgent,Inc. Profit and Loss Account(P/L)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

CyberAgent,Inc. Profit and Loss Account 2024年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Profit and Loss Account 2023年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Profit and Loss Account 2022年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Profit and Loss Account 2021年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Profit and Loss Account 2020年9月期

[Show - Hide] Profit and Loss Account (P/L)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date September 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 September 30, 2022 September 30, 2021 September 30, 2020
Amount of Sales 802,996 720,207 710,575 666,460 478,566
Total Sales 802,996 720,207 710,575 666,460 478,566
Cost of SalesHelp 582,472 527,802 491,417 434,465 337,918
Other Costs and RevenueHelp 204,276 187,072 194,939 190,441 134,039
Total CostsHelp 786,748 714,874 686,356 624,906 471,957
Net RevenueHelp 220,524 192,405 219,158 231,995 140,648
Earnings Before TaxHelp 30,825 22,532 62,798 100,722 28,202
Net IncomeHelp 16,248 5,333 24,219 41,554 6,609
Net Income 16,248 5,333 24,219 41,554 6,609

CyberAgent,Inc. Cash Flow Statement(C/F)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

CyberAgent,Inc. Cash Flow Statement 2024年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Cash Flow Statement 2023年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Cash Flow Statement 2022年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Cash Flow Statement 2021年9月期 CyberAgent,Inc. Cash Flow Statement 2020年9月期

[Show - Hide] Cash Flow Statement (C/F)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date September 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 September 30, 2022 September 30, 2021 September 30, 2020
Operating Cash Flow(OFC)Help 53,316 20,822 17,874 109,610 37,055
Investing Cash Flow(ICF)Help -38,331 -40,290 -31,412 -28,537 -16,621
Financing Cash FlowHelp -5,195 53,491 -2,801 374 -2,590
Exchange Difference of Cash and Cash EquivalentsHelp -434 -278 292 267 -39
Net Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalentsn 9,356 33,745 -16,047 81,714 17,805


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