U-Chart Analysis:LY Corporation:4689

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Browse U-Chart Add to 'Companies Comparison' list Compare Lustrum Ullet index LY Corporation Go to web site 4689 Information and Communication 東証プライム March 1, 2000 1997.
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Accounts Information Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement

LY Corporation Balance Sheet(B/S)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

LY Corporation Balance Sheet 2024年3月期 LY Corporation Balance Sheet 2023年3月期 LY Corporation Balance Sheet 2022年3月期 LY Corporation Balance Sheet 2021年3月期 LY Corporation Balance Sheet 2020年3月期

[Show - Hide] Balance Sheet (B/S)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date March 31, 2024 March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,420,430 1,651,851 1,127,523 1,065,726 880,100
Other Current AssetsHelp 0 0 0 0 0
Tangible Fixed AssetsHelp 427,691 435,060 327,546 301,406 237,519
Intangible Fixed AssetHelp 1,248,923 1,267,738 1,216,379 1,061,780 679,375
Investments and OthersHelp 3,879,063 3,159,294 2,650,457 2,471,929 1,736,882
Total AssetsHelp 9,043,969 8,588,722 7,110,386 6,691,328 3,933,910
Total Current LiabilitiesHelp 4,124,129 3,755,524 2,759,505 2,619,447 2,075,925
Total Long-term LiabilitiesHelp 1,882,752 1,913,799 1,666,503 1,389,563 1,086,436
Shareholder's EquityHelp 3,037,088 2,919,399 2,684,378 2,682,318 771,549
Total LiabilitiesHelp 9,043,969 8,588,722 7,110,386 6,691,328 3,933,910

LY Corporation Profit and Loss Account(P/L)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

LY Corporation Profit and Loss Account 2024年3月期 LY Corporation Profit and Loss Account 2023年3月期 LY Corporation Profit and Loss Account 2022年3月期 LY Corporation Profit and Loss Account 2021年3月期 LY Corporation Profit and Loss Account 2020年3月期

[Show - Hide] Profit and Loss Account (P/L)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date March 31, 2024 March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Amount of Sales 1,814,663 1,672,377 1,567,421 1,205,846 1,052,943
Total Sales 1,814,663 1,672,377 1,567,421 1,205,846 1,052,943
Cost of SalesHelp 520,449 511,131 497,021 432,446 424,463
Other Costs and RevenueHelp 1,181,014 982,377 993,083 703,255 546,804
Total CostsHelp 1,701,463 1,493,508 1,490,104 1,135,701 971,267
Net RevenueHelp 1,294,214 1,161,246 1,070,400 773,400 628,480
Earnings Before TaxHelp 181,621 235,219 158,542 142,615 135,676
Net IncomeHelp 113,200 178,869 77,317 70,145 81,676
Net Income 113,200 178,869 77,317 70,145 81,676

LY Corporation Cash Flow Statement(C/F)

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【Left:Outgoing Money】 【Right:Incoming Money】

LY Corporation Cash Flow Statement 2024年3月期 LY Corporation Cash Flow Statement 2023年3月期 LY Corporation Cash Flow Statement 2022年3月期 LY Corporation Cash Flow Statement 2021年3月期 LY Corporation Cash Flow Statement 2020年3月期

[Show - Hide] Cash Flow Statement (C/F)Help  ※Unit:Millions of Yen

Accounting Date March 31, 2024 March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Operating Cash Flow(OFC)Help 283,466 93,052 266,315 207,921 241,579
Investing Cash Flow(ICF)Help -444,060 319,786 -303,899 -12,349 -503,734
Financing Cash FlowHelp -81,490 105,791 91,630 -12,070 595,809
Exchange Difference of Cash and Cash EquivalentsHelp 10,664 5,698 7,750 2,124 -338
Net Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalentsn -231,420 524,327 61,796 185,626 333,316


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